The Ladies Sodality of St. Meinrad Parish was founded on November 2, 1862 and place under the Protective Mantle of Mary Immaculate, the Mother of God. At the beginning of its Second Centenary this New Consti-tution embodying the principles and the spirit of the Old Constitution is being inaugurated.
Purpose of the Ladies Sodality
Goals of the Ladies Sodality
Membership is open to all Ladies of the parish at least eighteen years old. Former members retain their membership as long as they continue to pay membership dues. The names of members who fail to pay dues for three consecutive years are considered to be inactive.
Lord Jesus,
You welcomed all who came into your presence,
May I reflect that same spirit through the ministry of Hospitality.
May your light shine in my heart this day. Remove me from anything that would stand in the way of radiating your presence.
As people enter our Church to worship and praise You, may they hear Your voice in my words and see Your love in my actions.
May my welcome reflect our joy at their presence and my good bye encour-age them to return soon.
I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and ask your blessing upon my efforts.
I ask this through our Savior Jesus Christ who is the giver of all gifts.
Shirley Seifrig, President
Cindy Sitzman, Treasurer
Diane Hoffman, Secretary