Scouting has long been a vital character builder for youth in our county. St. Meinrad Parish sponsors, encourages and supports scouting functions of the Lincoln Heritage District of the Buffalo Trace Council. St. Meinrad Parish is the sponsoring organization for both Boy Scout Troop 102 and Cub Scout Pack 102. Troop 102 is a year-round program for boys 11 through 17. Pack 102 includes boys in the first through fifth grades. The purpose of both programs is to provide educational experiences to build character, develop a sense of citizenship and promote physical fitness.
There is a rich history of scouting at St. Meinrad Parish. Troop 102 first began in 19XX. Since that time, hundreds of boys have taken part in the troop and XX boys have achieved the highest honor of Eagle Scout.
Scouting activities include camping, hiking, swimming, biking, boating, climbing, service activities and weekly meetings. Boys are invited to join the troop or den at any time during the year. Please contact the appropriate adult leader below.
Scouting has long been a vital character builder for youth in our county. Our parish sponsors, encourages and supports scouting functions. Adult leaders and youth participants are always welcome to come forward and be part of the scouting in parish family.
Adult leaders and youth participants are always welcome to come forward and be part of the scouting in parish family.
Eric Berg 9/5/2002
Nathan Berg 3/5/1998
Adam Gogel 7/28/1999
Jeremy Gogel 11/2/1995
Matthew Gogel 3/4/1999
Nathan Gogel 12/5/1991
Zackary Gogel 11/1/2001
Jonathan Lange 1/3/1991
Jacob Luebbehusen 4/7/2016
Ian Miller 11/5/2015
Paul Neyenhaus, 9/5/1996
Kyle Rasche 9/5/2002
Jeff Tempel 2/7/1991
Tony Vaeth 1/6/1994
Simon Wertman 9/6/2001
Updated August 2016
Pack #102 Leaders
Lions Britni Haycox
Tigers Matt Knepper
Wolves Amanda Gudorf
Bears Crystal Kemper
Webelos Sherry Etienne
Arrow of Light Nathan Berg
Cubmaster Michael L Gudorf
Committee Chairperson Amanda Gudorf
Advancement & Popcorn Cynthia Knepper
Treasurer Tammy Daunhauer
Event Planning Committee Sara E. Vaal
Chaplain Father Anthony Vinson, OSB
Troop #102 Leaders
Scoutmaster Scott J Gries
Assistant Scoutmaster Andrew Schroeder
Committee Chairperson Rich Reisz
Advance Chairperson Jadd Miller
Popcorn Chairperson Tammy Daunhauer
Treasurer Tammy Daunhauer
Chaplain Father Anthony Vinson, OSB